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Новиков Д.В.
Начальник лаборатории, МНС (НИЛ "Разработка технологий" (РТ))

- Atomic force microscopy study of field emission from a single silicon nanotip into a quasi-vacuum (air) medium at the nanoscale, 2019 г.
5th International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials-2019. Guildford, United Kingdom. Abstract book _
- Automation of the Measurement Process of the Parameters of the Sensitive Elements of the Gas Flow Rate Sensors, 2019 г.
Russian Microelectronics 2019. – Vol. 48, No. 7. – Р. 490-495.
- Enhancement of thermoelectric properties of a poly-Si thin nanofilm by grain size engineering for energy harvesting applications, 2019 г.
5th International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials-2019. Guildford, United Kingdom. Abstract book _
- Finite-element predictive 3D modelling and optimization of membrane-based thermoresistive MEMS accelerometers., 2019 г.
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. – 2019. – Vol. 11022. – P. 110220R
- Усиление термоэлектрических свойств тонкой нанопленки поликристаллического кремния посредством подстройки размера зерна для энергосберегающих применений, 2019 г.
Международный форум "Микроэлектроника-2019". 5-я Международная научная конференция «Электронная компонентная база и микроэлектронные модули» 2019. – С. 401-403.
- An experimental study on MEMS-based gas flow sensor for wide range flow measurements, 2018 г.
- Investigation of the Concept of a Miniature X-ray Source Based on Nanoscale Vacuum Field-emission Triode Controlled by Cut-off Grid Voltage, 2018 г.
2018 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus) Россия
- Measurement system for wide-range flow evaluation and thermal characterization of MEMS-based thermo-resistive flow-rate sensors, 2018 г.
- Исследование механических свойств многослойных мембран для МЭМС структур, 2017 г.
Наноиндустрия – 2017. – 4(74). – С. 575–577.
- Тепловые преобразователи физических величин, 2017 г.
Сборник трудов международного форума «Микроэлектроника-2017» – Москва: Техносфера, 2018. – С.552–553.
- Fabrication and Study of Parameters and Properties of Nanostructured Membranes for MEMS Devices, 2017 г.
Nanotechnologies in Russia – 2017. – Vol. 12. – No. 7–8. – P. 414–425